Vuetify Material Design Icons
In this post am going to share with you the few Icons I found useful when I was working with a simple Vuetify project. Looking for a particular icon can be as stressing as hell especially when you are new to the technology. Icons differ according to what plugin you are using. I am sharing some Material Design Icons in this post, which Vuetify uses by default. So let’s get started.
I will show you two simple ways of accessing the icons in Vuetify
- Using only tags
Below we are using the home icon:
2. Using the {{}} brackets, first you have to define it in the script section like below.
After the definition you can now call your icon in vuetify tags like below.
More of icons you can visit Vuetify documentation .
Below are some of Icons that comes in handy when you are using Vuetify. For more icons visit this link.
User Icons
Building Icons
Google Icons
Search Icons
WIFI Icons
Dots Icons
Cart Icons
Clipboard Icons
Software Icons
Other Icons
Hopefully the icons above helps you as you start your journey with Material design icons using Vuetify. Happy codding.